About the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees at Memorial Regional Health volunteer an average of 20 hours per month in committee meetings, educational sessions, fundraising, community interactions, and of course, the regular monthly board meetings where decisions are made. The Trustees are entrusted with the responsibility of seeing the organization achieve its Mission, Vision and Values.

Memorial Regional Health has a rich heritage of Trustee leadership, which has resulted in high quality healthcare for the community we live in. The current Board is no different. Citizens of Craig and Moffat County can be comforted in the fact that Board members are engaged in overseeing the operations of the health system, and defining the strategic direction of the health system so that it consistently meets the healthcare needs of our community.

Denise Arola
Denise Arola
Occupation: Retired, Previous Chief Financial Officer for MRH
Dr. Allan Reishus
Dr. Allan Reishus
Vice Chair
Occupation: Retired Family Medicine Physician
Amy Updike
Amy Updike
Occupation: Business Owner
John Ponikvar
John Ponikvar
City Representative
Occupation: Retired
Kelly Hepworth, DVM
Kelly Hepworth, DVM
City Representative
Occupation: Bear Creek Animal Hospital, owner
Roger Richmond
Roger Richmond
City Representative
Occupation: Business Owner
Steve Hilley
Steve Hilley
County Representative
Occupation: Clinical Advisor for the Northwest Region Healthcare Coalition

Board Meeting Schedule

Board meetings take place on the fourth Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms A&B at The Memorial Hospital. The meetings are open to the public. Anyone wishing to address the Board may do so during the public comment portion of the meeting. All people wishing to address the Board must sign in at the beginning of the meeting.

The Board of Trustees meet in person but you have an option to connect virtually. Your participation is still allowed and encouraged. To make a public comment as a virtual participant, you must indicate your interest via email to Julie Hanna at julie.hanna@memorialrh.org prior to 5:45 p.m. the night of the meeting. We will unmute participants to allow for comment. Your time to comment will still be limited to three minutes per person.

Board of Trustees Public Participation Policy

  • The Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees welcomes any citizen to express an interest or concern related to the operation of the Hospital during the public comment period of the meeting agenda. Anyone intending to speak to the Board should sign the speaker sign-in sheet. To ensure an efficient and productive meeting, each speaker should limit his/her comments to two minutes. The Executive Assistant for MRH will keep time for each member of the public who wishes to comment. If you go over the allotted time, the Chair will ask you to conclude our comments and sit down.

    The Board usually will not be able to respond to individual questions at the meeting. Instead, questions will be referred to appropriate Hospital personnel for study and response. Complaints against individual Hospital employees should be sent to the CEO or the Board in writing  with your signature. Please keep in mind that individuals of all ages often attend board meetings. Speakers’ remarks, therefore, should be suitable for the public setting and the audience in attendance.  The Board Chair may interrupt, warn, or terminate a speaker’s statement that is unrelated to the business of the Hospital, is inappropriate for the public setting/audience, or is disruptive to an orderly, productive meeting.

    A printable version of this Statement can be found here.

Notice of Possible Quorum – No Business

Board Meeting Agenda

Board Meeting Minutes


You may leave a message for the Board anytime by calling 970-826-3100.