Provider Spotlight: Get to know Dr. Jeff Womble

Learn more about Dr. Womble’s duties as a general surgeon, the many hats he wears at MRH and why he loves life in Craig

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WATCH: MRH General Surgeon Dr. Jeff Womble breaks down his many roles at MRH, explains how long he’s been with the hospital and shares why he decided to get into the surgical sector of healthcare in the first place.

Jeff Womble, MD

Dr. Jeff Womble, general surgeon

Chief of Staff. Chief of Surgery. Chief of Trauma. Medical Director for Anesthesia. General Surgeon. Medical Director for EMS for Moffat County. These are all titles and credentials that appear after Dr. Jeff Womble’s name, showcasing only a few of many reasons why we’re grateful to have him as a committed member of the Memorial Regional Health team.

For 14 years now, Dr. Jeff Womble has improved the lives of our patients through his expertise as a general surgeon, providing care from a place of understanding, compassion and education. He’s not only a phenomenal doctor, but also a great neighbor, friend, co-worker and community member.

Dr. Womble began his career at MRH in 2007 after completing his surgical residency at the Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies/Michigan State University and graduating from medical school at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He received his undergraduate degree at Brigham Young University, is board-certified by the American Board of Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

Dr. Womble sat down with us to discuss his career at MRH and his goals when working with patients in Craig.

Q: Were you always interested in a career in healthcare?

Dr. Womble: Growing up, I always wanted to be a doctor, but I didn’t know what kind of doctor until I got into medical school. That’s when I realized I wanted to be a surgeon. I learned quickly that the operating room was where I really wanted to be — I wanted to actually get in and fix things.

Part of it might also be from growing up watching the TV show “M*A*S*H” and finding inspiration from Hawkeye Pierce.

Q: What piqued your interest in surgery and trauma, specifically?

Dr. Womble: I worked at a big trauma center in San Antonio during medical school, training at hospitals that treated Army and Air Force patients coming back from war. That’s where I learned that I enjoy taking care of trauma patients, specifically through general surgery, helping patients in need and making an immediate impact in their lives.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Womble

Dr. Jeff Womble aims to provide exceptional and comfortable care to all his surgical patients — whether they’re at MRH for an emergency or undergoing elective surgery.

To schedule an appointment with him or learn more about surgical procedures offered locally at MRH, call 970-826-2420 or learn more here.

Fun facts and favorites with Jeff

Click on the boxes below to learn more about Dr. Womble!

My favorite activities include long-range shooting and rock crawling.

I’ve been to Hawaii, which has many beautiful views.

I was also a chaperone sponsor for a high-school trip with my daughter through a company called Education First (EF) Tours, in which we had the opportunity to visit many beautiful places including the British Isles, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and many others. Ireland was amazing and so green.

I enjoy backpacking trips and have spent several weeks above 10,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains, the Flat Tops and the high Uintas of Utah. The views of those places are pretty hard to beat.

Whether we’re going on an off-roading trip or hanging out at the house, it involves spending time with my family — wife, Jeana, and five children, Tim, Emily, Jessica, Natalie and Zack.

Everyone in our family has taken Taekwondo. My wife, Jeana, and I became brown belts before we stopped.

Also, Jeana and I met in the marching band at Brigham Young University (BYU). We both played trombone.

I like being outdoors and living in a small community. Small-town living is my style and Craig is a great place to be.

Q: What is your main goal in how you approach patient care?

Dr. Womble: My job is not to tell my patients what to do, but rather to help them and educate them as best as I can so they can make a good decision for themselves. That’s my goal — developing a strong relationship, educating them on what the options are and walking them through the surgical process, should they decide to pursue surgical care.

Q: What is your favorite service or surgery that you love doing for patients?

Dr. Womble: I enjoy performing minimally invasive surgeries. I also find fulfillment in other surgeries; for example, helping patients through cancer treatments and associated surgical aspects. I try to be a resource for patients and their families throughout the whole process.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of your career that has made you one of the longest-standing physicians at MRH?

Dr. Womble: Obviously, the patients. I really enjoy helping people and taking care of them. The way I care for patients is different than that of a family practice provider — generally, you don’t (and shouldn’t) have long-term relationships with your surgeon. My job is to help someone fix whatever their problem is and help them move on with their life.

Also, I love where I live. I grew up in the small town of Dalhart, Texas and I knew I wanted to live and raise my family in a small community. I also knew I wanted to be a local, personal resource for patients in my community.

When I was finishing my residency and looking for jobs, my wife and I decided we would move to a small town. We thought, “Why not live where we go on vacation?” We love skiing, hiking and being outdoors, so we looked at potential towns in the PNW, Wyoming and the Rocky Mountains. Craig fit the bill.

MRH has been great to work for and since I started, we’ve expanded our services and the ability to care for our community and surrounding communities.