
Zero Surgical Infections Means High Quality of Care

2022-05-17T16:12:46-06:00General Surgery, Living Well Articles|

Zero Surgical Infections Means High Quality of Care MRH has not had a surgical-site infection attributed to the hospital since 2020. Don’t miss any updates from Memorial Regional Health by signing up for our every-other-month Living Well newsletter here. As Director of Infection Prevention at Memorial Regional [...]

“It can happen to anybody”: Patient with no family history of breast cancer gets tumor surgically removed

2020-10-06T13:41:36-06:00Living Well Articles, Women's Health and OB/GYN|

“It can happen to anybody”: Patient with no family history of breast cancer gets tumor surgically removed Routine mammograms and self-examinations at home can help with early detection, treatment Charlotte Woods was receiving a CT scan for her chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) when her pulmonologist noticed an abnormal [...]

Living Well: Understanding Vein Ablation & Varicose Vein Treatments

2019-09-26T13:44:46-06:00General Surgery, Living Well Articles|

Pictured above are Memorial Regional Health’s general surgery team: Dr. Jeff Womble and Dr. Dana Miller. The Details of Venous Reflux Disease and How Surgery Can Help Varicose veins are a type of vein disorder that affect about 30 million people across the world each year. Of those 30 million [...]

Living Well: Performing Cutting-Edge Surgery for Various Ear and Nose Conditions

2019-09-25T16:12:22-06:00Living Well Articles, Primary Care/General Health|

Dr. Robert McLean, ENT specialist for Memorial Regional Health, works with his patient Mark Anderson, who recently underwent a stapedotomy surgery. ENT Specialist Assists Patients By Performing Ear & Nose Surgeries It wasn’t easy for Mark Anderson to sing in his church’s band when he couldn’t hear anything. Anderson, who [...]