Kyson Gottschall and his younger brother Lincoln Gottschall

Boy’s MRH Surgical Experience “Amazing”: A Family Expresses Gratitude

Mother of patient shares her son’s surgery experience and her gratitude toward MRH

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Kyson Gottschall just turned 7, but in September, when he was still 6, he had surgery at Memorial Regional Health, to remove a ganglion cyst on his wrist. The whole experience went so well that his mother, Michelle, felt compelled to write to MRH expressing her gratitude.

“From the call we received on Monday to review Kyson’s health history all the way to the moment we were discharged, there was never a time we were not treated with respect,” she wrote. “All the staff at MRH really went above and beyond to ensure Kyson had a pleasant surgical experience, and we couldn’t be more thankful.”

Kyson Gottschall loved driving himself into surgery.

Understandable Fears

Young Kyson is no stranger to surgery. Born with clubfoot, a condition in which the feet twist inward, he had his first surgery when he was 3 months old, to clip his Achilles tendons. Then just two days before his fourth birthday, he underwent tendon relocation surgery, which resulted in some complications and the need for additional surgery.

Fast forward a few years. Happy and active, Kyson had developed a benign cyst on his wrist.  When it started causing him pain and interfering with his schoolwork, Dr. Patrick Johnston, an orthopaedic surgeon with Steamboat Orthopaedic & Spine Institute specializing in hand and elbow care, recommended it be removed.

Kyson’s parents agreed. The surgery would be a simple same-day procedure and would improve his quality of life. But Kyson himself was fearful. He had some bad memories of his earlier surgeries in Grand Junction, understandable for a young child who had to stay overnight in the hospital and wear hip-high casts for two months afterward.

Helping Kyson Navigate Surgery

“When I informed the surgery scheduler at MRH that Kyson was afraid and has not always had great experiences with anesthesia, this was relayed to all the staff on our care team,” said Michelle, who in the past had worked as a Medical Assistant. “On the day of the surgery, Kyson got to drive a battery-operated car to the OR. He was so excited he almost forgot why he was there!”

Michelle was invited to accompany Kyson to the OR. To protect against contamination, she was given disposable coveralls to zip on over her clothes, and she was allowed to hold Kyson in the OR until the anesthesia took hold and he was completely asleep.

“Trey, the anesthesiologist, was amazing,” she said. “He talked to Kyson about his favorite movie, Top Gun, and even sang to him while he was going under. I know this was soothing for Kyson and our entire family, and I will forever be thankful for the opportunity to be allowed in the OR to be there for Kyson.”

The surgery itself took about 45 minutes. Michelle and her husband, Charlie, were brought back to the recovery room just as Kyson was waking up. He said he wanted to leave. “Our nurse, Jessie Grandbouche, was also amazing,” Michelle said. “She understood that what Kyson was telling us was that he would feel more comfortable at home. So, she helped clear him for discharge, and as soon as he knew he would get to go home in a few minutes, he was fine.”

Kyson Gottschall participating in some of his favorite activities: wrestling, snowmobiling, archery and spending time with his family.

Kyson Today

After the surgery, Kyson attended hand therapy once a week at MRH. “He was a little scared to use his hand again,” Michelle said. “The therapist helped him see he could move his wrist and hand, and it would be OK.” He now has full range of motion again in his hand. The cyst is gone, and his pain is gone.

It’s a good thing, too, because in addition to his schoolwork, Kyson needs good mobility for all his passions. Kyson loves snowmobiling, hiking, camping and archery hunting. He also plays T-ball, soccer and basketball, and likes wrestling, too, plus playing with his little brother, Lincoln.

But the theme of Kyson’s recent birthday party is his most current obsession, Top Gun. He’s declared he wants to be a pilot someday. “Nothing holds him back,” Michelle said.

“Kyson’s surgery at MRH was one of the best experiences we have ever had,” Michelle concluded in her thank-you letter. “If your child ever needs a surgical procedure done at MRH, know that you will be in the best hands! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”