MRH Foundation Director:
Eva E. Peroulis


(970) 826-2424

The Memorial Regional Health MOB Is Open and Operating!

Our Medical Office Building opened in Fall 2019 and is open to the public. The MRH Foundation played a large role in bringing this project to fruition.

Medical Office Building: Video Q&A With Our CEO

When the MRH Board approved the new MOB, it was to contribute to the health system’s mission of improving the quality of life for the communities we serve. Through patient-centered healthcare and service excellence, the goal of the MOB is to assist our patients in the best way that we can.

Have questions or concerns about the Medical Office Building? In the videos below, CEO Andy Daniels provides you with everything you need to know. If you can’t find the answer to your question here, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team by filling out our contact form! We’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Why does MRH need a new space?

What is the timeline of the project?

How will the new MOB benefit community?

Will there be a gap in patient service?

Will patient costs change?

Who is paying for the MOB?

Will the new MOB impact patient flow?

How are MRH employees involved in the project?

How will a new MOB benefit providers?

What are MRH’s plans for a third floor?

Who is involved in the community?

Donate to the MRH Foundation

If you are interested in making a donation to the Memorial Regional Health Foundation, click here.